Business Coaching and Home Based Businesses

Business Coaching and Home Based Businesses

When it comes to business coaching, many coaches specialize in small to medium sized companies.  Those with experience in executive settings, assist large corporations.  Regardless of the specialty, there is money to be made.  But, many business coaches are failing to change with the times.  Many do not realize the potential of home based businesses, but you can and should.

As you know, home based businesses come in a number of formats.  For example, a mom may run a daycare out of her home, a dad may make handmade toys to sell from home, or a cosmetologist may run an in-home salon out of the garage or basement.  In terms of home based businesses, the options are endless.  They also vary in size.  Most are self-employed; working for themselves and by themselves.  Some hire outside help.

Anyone can start a home based business?

Someone who has a dream or a passion or wants to leave the dog-eat-dog corporate world behind can start a business and right from their own home.  There is a growing trend though.  That trend is parents who want to work from home.  Some want a work-at-home job, meaning they are employed by a company, but perform their tasks at home.  Others, want to capitalize on a talent or hobby and start their own business.  For parents, starting a home based business provides them with unlimited flexibility and control.

Do you need proof that people want to start their own business?  If so, perform a standard internet search with the phrases “work-from-home,” and “home based businesses.”  You will get thousands of results.  There is a lot of information available online to assist these people, but they need more.  Just because a parent has a good product or service and a website, it does not mean that they will make money.  That is why they can benefit from using your services as a business coach.

The first step in working as a home based business coach is to find clients.  If you have a website, include home based business coaching as one of your services.  Then, seek out these individuals.  As previously stated, a lot of information can be found online.  Most websites are informational sites, but some are online communities, like message boards.  Join; insert yourself into the community.  Add a link to your business website in your profile and signature.  Join in on the discussions.  If someone asks for tips, provide them with a few.  Never give out too much information.  Members will wonder how you know so much and who you are, so they should click on your links.  If they want or need your service, they will use it.

Once you acquire a client, it is time to get to work.  Home based business coaches tend to have more responsibility and tasks.  This is because many home based business owners setup shop on a whim.  They realized they could make money doing something they love and ran with it.  Some did not even have a plan in place.  If your client does not have a business plan, coach them through creating one.  This plan should include what they sell, who their targeted market is, how they intend to generate income, and how to market their product to the public.

Business coaching involves encouragement.

You need to encourage home based business owners to take a step in the right direction.  Show them their potential.  If they truly have a great product, show them exactly how a solid marketing can increase sales.  Even if their marketing plan results in five new customers a week, calculate for them the additional yearly profit.  Also, given them ideas to run with.  Do more than just say “you need to market your business.”  Give them specific examples, watch implement, and offer feedback.

Business Coaching From Home

Business Coaching From Home

If you want to start a career as a business coach, you need to make an important decision.  That decision is how you want to operate your business.  Business coaches educate and train operating managers and business owners on the key components of running a successful and profitable business.  These components are all the same, but there are many ways to teach them.  What are your two best options?

1 – One-on-One Training

One-on-one training is when you work directly with your client.  You consult with them via email, through the phone, or meet with them in person at their office.  When working with small to medium sized business owners, your involvement starts at the top.  You will then later want to work with all staff members.  Remember, a good manager is important to a business, but that well-performing manager means nothing if their staff does not back them up with good results and speedy productivity.

One-on-one training has many benefits.

For starters, you usually visit your client at their place of business.  This gives you a lot of insight.  Not all business suffer from the same problems.  Some have a poor marketing plan, some have poor leadership, and others have organizational problems.  Visiting your client in their place of business enables you to examine the situation.  You can determine exactly what is going wrong.  For example, a business with poor office organization, but a strong marketing plan, does not need marketing help. They need organizational help.

One-on-one training also allows you to show by example.

In keeping with the above mentioned example of an unorganized office or sales floor, you can physically walk to the problem and point it out.  Show the store manager that because a large display is in the middle of the aisle, it is difficult for customers to get a shopping cart through.  You get better results when you show business owners and operating mangers how to make changes, not just tell them.

2 – Hosting Seminars

As a business coach, you also have the option to host seminars.  This is when you choose a specific location, like a hotel conference room, take paying reservations, and hold a class.  During this class, you will go over the key components of running a successful and profitable business.  These components include marketing sales, time management, no workplace conflict, organization, and teamwork.

Hosting seminars is nice because it expands your profits.  When working one-on-one, you work with one paying client at a time.  When hosting a training seminar, the room can be filled with a hundred business owners.  They all paid.  In about the same amount of time or even less, you make more money!  Unfortunately, those same business owners will take your class once and they will not need it again.  To work in this aspect full-time, you will need to travel to teach seminars, targeting new business owners and managers each time.

As you can see, both one-on-one training and hosting seminars have their pros and cons.  Which option should you choose?  It depends on your personal preferences.  Moreover, you do not need to choose.  Why not offer them both as an option?  On your website, list your ability to meet with clients one-on-one.  Then, mention you occasionally host seminars.  Host two or three a year.  List these seminars on your website and cross promote.

Who Needs a Business Coach

Who Needs a Business Coach

If you hold a business management degree or have prior experience running a profitable small to medium sized business, you have a unique talent.  Many Arctic Circle inhabitants would love to run their own business, but most do not know how.  You can teach them how.  Running a business coaching service is not only an exciting opportunity, but it has the potential to bring in large profits.

If interested in starting a business coaching service, you will wonder about your profits and clients.  How you will get clients?  By marketing and targeting the individuals who can benefit from your services.  Who are they?

New business owners.

Most new business owners take time to create their empire.  They brainstorm and develop a plan, secure financing, and get to work.  This is how small businesses should get started, but many do not take this route.  Some individuals get an idea in their head to start a business and make money; they run with it.  Action is key, but so is careful planning.  Acting without first thinking of a solid plan is one of the reasons why many new small to medium sized businesses fail.  You, as a business coach, can stop that from happening.

Not all new business owners realize the importance of proper training and education.

Some mistakenly believe they can do everything themselves.  These individuals may need a little push.  Lead them to your website or deliver free promotional material highlighting your services.  Also, show how they can translate into profits.  For example, stress the importance of marketing.  Both online and storefront businesses need a solid marketing plan.  No one will buy products or pay for services if they don’t know they exist.  If speaking directly with a new business owner, ask about their marketing plan.  If they do not have one or have a poor thought out plan, stress the dangers and risks of heading down the wrong path.

Business owners not seeing profits.

As previously stated, some new small to medium sized business owners do not understand the importance of seeking help.  Most believe they can handle all responsibilities on their own.  You can use persuasion and proof to change their minds, but still some will not budge.  That is why you should not only target new business owners, but businesses in distress.  Start with your local community.  Have you heard ramblings that a small mom and pop store is about to go under due to increased competition and poor sales?  Make your move!

Business owners who aren’t seeing profits, already have a business plan in place.  That may be a good plan that just needs a little bit of tweaking.  Since the business is already established, you should focus on sales, marketing, and lowering operating costs.  When soliciting business from struggling companies, have a set plan in place.  Have a step-by-step guide available to show potential clients why you can help and how you will.

Stay-at-home parents looking for a way to increase income.

Perform a standard internet search with the phrases “working from home,” “work-at-home moms,” or “work-at-home parents.”  You will find online message boards where parents are looking for information on how to make money from home.  Some of these individuals just want a job that allows them to work from home, but others are interested in starting their own business.  This is another group that is considered your targeted market.

When working with stay-at-home parents, it is important to focus on the business aspect.  The internet is filled with online job scams.  Most parents can benefit from starting their own business, as opposed to working for someone else.  It also provides parents with more freedom and flexibility.  Not only can you provide setup, marketing, and sales help to these individuals, but you can feed them ideas.  Essentially, you aren’t just a business coach, but a moneymaking coach.  Does a stay-at-home dad express his interest in woodworking?  Suggest profiting from that passion by creating natural wood decor or toys to sell.  If they like the idea, help them turn it into a reality.

Anyone with the dream of starting their own business.

As previously stated, you can do more than just help small to medium sized business owners increase their profits.  You can also encourage people to follow their passion and profit from it.  This does involve more work, as you help someone get their small business off the ground, but it expands your reach.  Not only do you have experience coaching small to medium sized business owners, but you now have experience with business setup.

Arctic habitat

Stress Management Coach

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Stress Management Coach

If you work as a business coach, your job is to teach others how to run a successful and profitable business.  You use your training, experience, and schooling to provide them with insightful knowledge.  When properly implemented, your steps should translate into success and profits for your clients.

In terms of business management, much focus is placed on organization, marketing, and sales.  These are important components of running a sound business, but there is more.  Small to medium sized business owners and their employees suffer from stress.  As you know, business has its difficulties.  For some, this stress takes a huge toll.  Not only should you cover sales, organization, and marketing, but stress management too.

How can you incorporate stress management into your already proven step-by-step business coaching guide?

By offering it as an extra bonus.  Clients pay for your service.  New business owners and those struggling will gladly pay for your service, but give them an extra incentive.  Include stress management as a bonus service or feature.  With this approach, you cover this important aspect of business and your clients will feel like they are getting something for free.  Everyone wins!

You now know how to offer stress management as a part of your business coaching services, but what steps should you take to educate?

If you are able to meet with your clients and their employees one-on-one, do so.  Gather everyone in a room and ask some to share their biggest stress concerns.  Most will mention the balance between family and home.  Others will mention short deadlines or long work hours.  Some may actually mention that they are stressing out about your training session, because they are missing valuable work time.  Once you get a good idea of what troubles your clients and their employees are facing, you get a better grasp on the situation.  Next, comes the solution.

It is important to know how to manage stress, but it is also important to know how to prevent it.  Encourage those worried about short deadlines to improve their time management skills.  Suggest monitoring their progress and recording whenever they get off track.  What were they doing?  Surfing the internet, checking email, or socializing with a coworker?  It is easier to eliminate these trigger factors when we know what they are.  As for balancing family and home, most companies provide their employees with vacation time.  Encourage your audience to use theirs, especially when they need a break.

As previously stated, it is best to avoid stress, but this is impossible for some.  Many individuals cannot help blowing things out of proportion.  These individuals need to learn to manage it.  Now is the time to suggest stress reducing tools, such as aromatherapy candles, hot and cold therapy, stress balls, and so forth.  In fact, if you discuss this with your client ahead of time, they may be willing to go the extra mile for their employees and purchase stress balls for everyone.

Hot and cold patches and stress balls are ideal for at-work use, but there is more to stress management.  As mentioned above, some individuals are stressed about home life and they bring that stress to work.  The goal of a business owner is to have happy and healthy employees.  This involves encouraging positive attitudes at home too.  In your stress management session, stress the importance of relaxation outside of the office.  Those who are worried about spending time with family should know that it is okay to let a sink full of dishes sit for the night.  It will still be there in the morning.

As a recap, marketing, sales, and organization are three important components of running a successful and profitable business.  But, if the individuals in charge of these tasks are ridden with stress and unable to deal with it, poor results are likely.  When dealing directly with a business owner, urge them to allow you to hold a short session on stress management or encourage them to do the same.

Get Coached

Get Coached

Do you want to work as a business coach?  If so, you have opted for a very potentially profitable career.  With the struggling economy, many businesses are barely staying afloat financially.  They need help from a professional and they need it now.  That professional can be you.

When it comes to business coaching, you will find many similarities between sports coaching.  In fact, if targeting the self-employed, home business owners and small business owners, you should use the analogy.  Some know they need business help, but don’t actually know what a business coach is.  Comparing business coaching with sports coaching is an easy way to make them understand.

As previously stated, business coaching and sports coaching are very similar.  How?

Most sports are team sports.

For example, there is football, baseball, basketball, and volleyball.  One team member can have an amazing game, but overall the team can still lose.  Everyone needs to work together to see success.

When coaching small to medium sized business owners, emphasize the importance of teamwork.  Both offices and retail settings are in disarray when no one is on the same page.  The workplace is likely hectic and unorganized.  Poor teamwork also leads to troubling and disruptive workplace conflict.  A good example is when two coworkers are working jointly on a project.  One is pulling their weight and the other is slacking off.  Conflict is likely.

As a business coach, do not just highlight the importance of teamwork.  Show your clients teambuilding exercises, offer tips, and work hands on with the entire staff.

With basketball, the coaches call the plays.

These plays have been gone over and practiced before.  It isn’t the coach’s job to score a basket or stop the opposing team from scoring.  It is up to the players to remember their training and practice drills.  The same is true for business coaching.

When working with a client, don’t do all the work for them.

This teaches them nothing.  Show your clients how to do it themselves.  For example, if your client has a poorly organized office, pickup a few items to show them how it is done.  Then, make suggestions.  Let them handle the rest.  You gave your client a play, showed them how it was done, and let them score the point.

This leads to another similarity.

Coaches not only watch their players score a basket.  They analyze their actions and provide feedback.  As a business coach, do the same.  Use the above mentioned example of watching an office manager or owner organize their office.  Once finished, point out what they did right, what they did wrong, and how they can make improvements, both now and in the long-term future.

With sports, coaches use practice and training to buildup strength and to practice play calls.  You can and should do the same.  With small to medium sized businesses, work with more than just the owner.  Work with the entire team.  Don’t just stand in front of the room and talk or handout reading material.  You will lose their interest and quick.  Instead, rely on fun exercises.  To show peaceful ways to resolve conflict in the workplace, use role-playing and two volunteers.

As you can see, there are many similarities between business coaching and sport coaching.  In fact, if you are new to the game and have yet to develop a business plan, look at sports.  You can learn many successful tips on how to run a smooth, successful, and profitable coaching service.

Internet Safety for Kids: How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet

Internet Safety for Kids

Are you the parent of a child who uses the internet or the parent of a child who will start using the internet soon?  If you are, you should know that the internet is a great way to stay up-to-date on the news, do research for school projects, and communicate with friends, but it can also be very dangerous.  As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your child stays safe online.  Unfortunately, for this to happen you must know your way around a computer and the internet.  Do you?

Internet Safety for Kids: How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet Explained

A child should never know more than a parent does about the internet.  At the very least, you should know about the same.  If you are looking to block adult websites or websites that have offensive language, it will not do you any good if your teenager knows ways to get around the parental controls that you set.  That is why it is important that you know how to use a computer and the internet or learn if you don’t know.

Another reason why you should be well educated on the internet and computer use is because you are better able to fully understand the dangers of them.  You may hear that an internet predator approached or kidnapped a child on the news, but you may automatically assume that it will not happen to your child.  Unfortunately, until you understand how the internet works, you really have no idea.  Does your child use internet chat rooms or social networking websites?  If so, do you know how easy the internet makes it for someone to create a whole new, fake identity?

Internet Safety for Kids: How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet

Internet Safety for Kids: How and Why Parents Should Learn About the Internet For Preventative Measures

A good understanding of computer and internet use can better enable you to protect your child.  Do you know that Internet Explorer, the browser that comes standard, has a free parental control option that just needs to be activated?  A few easy steps and you can have certain websites blocked from your child.  Unfortunately, you won’t know this if you don’t know all that you can know about the computer or the internet.  Speaking of the internet, additional online safety tools for parents can be purchased online as well.

Now that you know the importance of staying in the know about the internet and a computer in general, you may be curious as to how you can go about doing so.  The good news is that there are a number of ways that you can learn all that you need to know about computer and internet use.  A few of these ways are outlined below for your convenience.

Teaching yourself is an easy way to learn about the internet and computer use.  In fact, what better way is there than to just jump on the computer and see what you can find.  For starters, examine your computer or your internet browser for free internet safety tools for parents. You may also want to visit some of the websites that your child visits, just to see what they are subjecting themselves to.  Visit their online profile for MySpace, Facebook, or another social networking website.  Does it make you uneasy?  Are the discussions taking place in your child’s favorite chat room too adult?

You can also ask a trusted friend or relative for help.  Do not ask your child or teenager for help though.  If they know that you want to set up parental controls or keep tabs on their internet use, they may withhold important information from you.  Instead, invite a trusted friend or relative over for coffee and lunch and let them show you the ins and outs of the internet.  All you really need is a couple of hours.

You can also take an internet or computer education course.  These courses are sometimes offered for free or for an affordable fee by local community groups, colleges, or vocational training centers.  In fact, see if your child’s school offers anything.  Some schools host informational seminars for parents on internet safety about once a year.

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Internet Safety: What to Do When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules

Internet Safety: What to Do When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules

Are you the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet? If you are, you likely have internet safety rules already in place. If you do, how well is your child at following them?

When it comes to internet safety rules that you have set in place, it is important that your child follows them. Why? Because their health and safety is, literally, at risk. Not following your internet safety rules should be treated differently than a child who doesn’t clean their room. The situation is much more serious. If your child doesn’t follow the rules that you have set concerning internet use, they may unintentionally find themselves a target of a child predator.

Smiling baby boy with a hat on

What to Do When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules Explained

What you will want to do is re-talk to your child. Be sure that they are clear on your rules.

  • For example, if your child is allowed to use social networking websites, what are they not allowed to have posted on their profile?
  • Do you not want them to have personal information or personal pictures or videos shown?
  • Restate all rules that you have for your child and instruct them to start following them right away.
  • If your child still isn’t following your internet safety rules all of the way, you will want to give them one final warning.
  • Let them know that there are serious consequences to their actions. However, there is one important exception to this step.
  • If you suspect that your child is communicating with strangers online, like those who may be sexual predators, bypass the final warnings, as your child may already be in over their head.

As for what steps you should take next, you can ban your child from using the internet. This is the strictest form of punishment and likely the one that will send the clearest message. If your child must use the internet for school, like for a school research project, only let them do so when you are sitting right next to them. You can also make them do their research at their local library. This is a great way to make your child understand the importance and consequences of not following rules.

Another approach that you can take is to block the websites that you want to keep your child away from. For example, if you asked your child or teenager not to post personal pictures or videos of themselves online, but they still continue to do so, block the social networking websites that they use. If you have Internet Explorer, this is easy to do. First, open a new internet window. Then, from the dropdown menu select “Tools,” and then “Internet Options,” and then click on the “Content Tab.” Finally, under the heading of “Approved Sites,” you can also enter in the websites you want blocked.

You may also want to let your child use the computer when you are home or in the room. If they have their own computer, make them relocate it into a well traveled area, such as your living room. Speaking of which, if your child uses a family computer, you should always make sure that it is in an area where you can easily see what your child is doing online. This is a nice approach, as your child is still able to use the internet, but you are able to keep a close eye on them, making sure that they are following your rules.

Thank you fro visiting Arctic On Ice website and reading this Internet Safety: What to Do When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules article post.  I hope this article post informative and helpful in your search for Internet Safety: What to Do When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules .  

More article on the same theme at The Best Decision Coach website

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Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child

If you are the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet, do you take steps to protect them? If not, you will want to start right away, now is the time to correct possible errors of ignorance and indifference to the high technology environment of computers and the  internet connection.  Although the internet can be neat for your child, it is important to remember that there are murky grey area dangers that lurk online.

Since there are dangers that lurk online, such as the potential for meeting an online predator and the potential of being harassed online, you may be curious as to how you can protect your child. Of course, you will want to discuss internet safety with your child and you will also want to set rules for your child to follow, but did you also know that you have other options? One of those options is internet safety tools.

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child
Mother with daughter reading a book outdoors

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child Explained

What is nice about internet safety tools that are designed for parents is that you have so many options. Typically, you will find that most of these tools fall under the heading of parental controls. For information on ways that you can protect your child with the use of internet safety tools, please continue reading on.

The ability to rate websites and set levels for what you want your child to view online is an option that you have. This often is featured in the safety tools that are provided by Internet Explorer, as well as other similar internet browsers. What you do is decide what type of content your want your child to view. Would you like to keep your child away from internet websites that use crude or violent language? If you do, set your website level ratings to say so and the websites should automatically be blocked.

In addition to blocking websites through the use of website rating tools, you also have the ability to outright block websites. This is another option that Internet Explorer gives you. For example, if you would like to block social networking websites, like MySpace and Facebook, all you need to do is enter in the website address and hit the block option. Internet Explorer also gives you the option to let a list of approved websites.

young woman with mixed emotions

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child From Predators

Keyword trackers can also be used; however, there are some individuals, including other parents, who consider them to be an invasion of privacy. That is why it is important for you to use your best judgment and make the decision as a parent. Keyword trackers work by recording each word that is typed by your child. Many parents find keyword tracker programs a great way to catch their child if they think that they are communicating with someone older or a sexual predator online. Keyword tracker programs are a nice option to have, but they do need to be purchased, as they aren’t free like many other parental controls.

There are also internet safety tool programs out there that work to keep your personal information safe. This is a great way to make sure that your child doesn’t share personal information about themselves with strangers online. Although these programs do vary, you can usually enter in information that you want to prevent your child from sharing online, like your phone number, email address, or home address. The program, if it works properly, should catch the information before it is sent.

As you can see, you have a number of different options when looking to use parental controls to keep your child safe when they use the internet. Additional online safety tools can easily be found with a standard internet search.

Thank you fro visiting Arctic On Ice website and reading this Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child article post.  I hope this article was informative and helpful in your search for Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child from dangers online.  For reading more articles on the same theme visit website  

Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children

Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children

Are you the parent of a child who has recently started using the internet or are you the parent of a child who will soon start? When a child reaches about junior high school, they rely on the internet to do many school research projects. However, as a parent, it is important to remember that research isn’t all that the internet is used for. Many children and teens use the internet as an easy way to communicate with their friends or even to make new friends.

The ability to use the internet to make new friends and communicate with current friends sounds pretty neat at first glance, but it is important to take a closer look. Did you know that sexual predators often use the internet to target unsuspecting children and teenagers? Anyone can hide behind a computer and create a new identity. That is why it is important that you, as a parent, set rules for your child when they use the internet.

Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children Explained

For starters, let your child know that they cannot give out their personal information online. There is absolutely no reason why they should give anyone their address or phone number online. Make sure that your child knows that just because the person they are talking to online claims to be a 16 year old boy or girl, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are.

It is also important to prevent your child from posting personal pictures or videos of themselves online. Unfortunately, this is something that many children do. Visit, which is a popular social networking website. You will soon see that just about every member, even children and teenagers, post pictures of themselves online. This can be dangerous, especially when other information, like a city or town or school, is divulged. If your child wants to post pictures or videos online, be sure to at least review them yourself first.

Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children
Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children Without Compromise

Make sure your child knows that they are not allowed to meet, in person, with anyone who they meet online. This is important, as this is how many children and teenagers fall victim to internet predators and sexual predators. Yes, the person who they are talking to on the computer may be who they say they are, but are you willing to take that chance? If an in person meeting does take place and you know about it, attend with your child. Let multiple people know where you are going and who you are meeting with. Be sure to do so in a public place.

It is also important that you set rules for the use of internet chat rooms and social networking websites. For starters, if you don’t want your child to use these things, don’t let them. Monitor your child if use if they do. For example, make sure you are in the room if your child is using an internet chat room. As for social networking websites, make your child set their profile to private. You will also want to regularly check it yourself to make sure that personal information, like your home phone number or home address, isn’t posted.

One problem that many parents face is checking up on their children online. It is no secret that most children know their way around a computer nowadays. You cannot check the internet history of your computer, which tells you which websites have been visited, if your child clears it on a daily basis. That is why you should establish rules on this and other similar practices.

The above mentioned rules should help to prevent your child from running into problems online, but you honestly never know. Make sure that your child knows to come to you immediately if they receive threatening, harassing, or sexual messages online. Make sure they also know to show you the message or to save it for your viewing, as opposed to just deleting it from the screen. Protection may be available for you by way of your local police department.

Finally, make sure that your child knows that all of the rules you set concerning internet use apply to all computer use, not just on the computer at home.

Thank you for visiting Arctic On Ice and reading this Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children article post.  I hope this was informative and helpful in your search for Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children.  For more articles on Internet Safety Rules to Establish with Your Children visit

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